Searching for clients

bookitlive provides  basic and advance search capabilities.

Basic client search

Basic client search capabilities are available from the dashboard and the client management page.

The client search bar is used to enter basic queries to search the client list for finding clients that match the query against the Firstname, Lastname, phone or email address.

A minimum of 3 character are required to preform the search with any client that contains the query within the clients Firstname, Lastname, phone or email address included in the results.


Foe example if you entered com in the search bar the results would include all clients with com in their Firstname, Lastname, phone or email address.


Advanced client search

Advanced client search capabilities are available from the client management page only. Using an advanced client search filter the client list can be search against most of the client fields contained in the client record.


The advance client search capabilities can also be used to find client that had bookings or clients that did not have bookings between a date range.

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