Zoom Integration

bookitLive integrates the online booking processes to automatically schedule Zoom video web conferencing at the time of booking.

It only takes a minute to connect your Zoom account. Once connected and configured, bookings automatically create a scheduled Zoom session in your Zoom account. The session includes a unique meeting ID and dynamic password, ensuring a secure video web conferencing experience.


What You Need

Connect bookitLive to Zoom

Log into your bookitlive account and use the integration page to connect bookitLive to Zoom.

  1. Goto https://bookitlive.net
  2. Logon to your bookitlive account
  3. Select Settings > Integration
  4. Select Video Conferencing
  5. Select the cog to configure Zoommceclip0.png
  6. Select Enable Zoom


6. Select Connect to Zoom

7. Enter your Zoom email address, password and select I'm not a robot


8. Select Sign In


9. On successful login the Integration page will reappear


Service configuration to schedule Zoom meetings

Once Zoom is connected to your bookitLive account services can be configured to automatically schedule the Zoom meetings when the service is booked.

  1. Logon to your bookitlive account
  2. Select Configuration > Services
  3. Open the service that needs to create Zoom meeting schedules when booked
  4. Select the option Online meeting to schedule Zoom meetings when this service is booked


      5. Select Save


Adding Zoom meeting details into emails and SMS

The bookitlive email and SMS templates need to be updated to include the Zoom meeting details for client and provider email and SMS templates.

Client templates
The following tags can be added to the client templates to communicate the Zoom meeting details. The IF statement is used to only include Zoom details for service configured for online meetings.

Provider templates
The following tags can be added to the provider templates to communicate the host details for the Zoom meeting details. The IF statement is used to only include Zoom details for service configured for online meetings.


Set passcode requirements in Zoom (Paid accounts)
Zoom paid accounts have an option to set the passcode requirement. This option must be selected. Zoom free accounts have this setting by default and cannot be changed.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings
  2. In the navigation panel, select Account Management
  3. Select Account Settings
  4. In the Security section, locate the option for Meeting passcode requirement
  5. Set the Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings


Disconnect bookitLive to Zoom

Log into your bookitlive account and use the integration page to connect bookitLive to Zoom.

  1. Goto https://bookitlive.net
  2. Logon to your bookitlive account
  3. Select Settings > Integration
  4. Select Video Conferencing
  5. Select the cog to configure Zoom
  6. Deselect Enable Zoom
  7. Select Save
Uninstall bookitLive from the Zoom Marketplace

Uninstalling bookitLive
Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the bookitLive.
Click the bookitLive.
Click Uninstall.


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