Repeat bookings

The Repeat booking feature allows a business to make multiple bookings at the same time.

When repeat booking feature is activated on your account a repeat bookings can be added from an existing booking on your dashboard. This means you must add a booking prior to making a repeat booking as the existing booking details are used for the repeat bookings.


Adding a repeat booking

  1. Select the mceclip0.pngnext to the booking to add a repeat booking
  2. The repeat booking page will open with the current booking details displayed against the client
  3. Select the repeat frequency and select the period (Days, Weeks, Months)
  4. Select the end date when the repeat will finish
  5. Select show Dates and Availability to list all the booking dates. If a booking date is not available it will be shown in red as not available. The list of available dates can be adjusted and some dates removed
  6. Select Save to add all the select booking times





Repeat frequencies examples

1. Repeat booking every week until 31 Dec 2020


2 Repeat booking every 2 weeks until 31 Dec 2020



Cancelling all bookings in a repeat booking sequence

  1. Select the mceclip0.pngnext to the booking to cancel the booking
  2. A booking in the repeat booking sequence has the option to Cancel all repeat bookingscontainined in the repeat booking sequence. Select this option to remove all bookings
  3. Select Cancel Booking


Booking confirmation notifications

When a repeat booking is added only one notification is sent with all the booked dates.

Booking cancellation notifications

When a repeat booking is cancelled only one notification is sent with all the cancelled booking dates.

Can my clients book repeat bookings online?

No this is a provider only feature and is only available to business users.

Your clients can only make single bookings on your public online booking page. If after that first booking, you decide to lock things in for the long haul, you can book any individual client for a repeat booking.

Are payments supported for repeat bookings

No, card and voucher payments are not supported for repeat bookings at this time.






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