Follow-up notification options

Follow-up Rules

Follow-up rules are used to set when your follow-up notifications will be sent after a booking was been completed. Adjusting the times will change when the follow-up is sent. Any queued follow-ups can be reset to use the new times.


email and SMS follow-ups are used to notify your clients of future bookings. bookitLive understands that different type of businesses require follow-ups to be send at different times so we allow you to set up the times that the follow-up are sent. The default setting is none (no follow-up notifications. The follow-up (1st follow-up) time can be changed to one of the following time periods.

Follow-up time options include:

  • None
  • 1 hour
  • 2 hour
  • 1 day
  • 1 week
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months

 An optional additional follow-up (2nd follow-up) can be set to allow 2 follow-ups to be sent per booking.

Additional follow-up time options include:

  • None
  • 1 hour
  • 2 hour
  • 1 day
  • 1 week
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months

Note: The follow-up (1st follow-up) will always be the follow-up the is sent closest to the booking time. If you set the additional follow-up to a closer time to the booking than the 1st follow-up, when it is saved the times are swapped to make the follow-up the first follow-up to be send.

Follow-up email Templates

There are separate email templates for the client follow-up (1st follow-up) and client additional follow-up (2nd follow-up) to allow for a different message to be sent per follow-up.

Follow-up SMS Templates

There are separate SMS templates for the client follow-up (1st follow-up) and client additional follow-up (2nd follow-up) to allow for a different message to be sent per follow-up.


Follow-up on completed bookings

 You might only want to send follow-ups to customers that actually attended the session and not send to customers that did not show.  Using the option "follow up on completed bookings" follow-up will only be sent when the booking status has been set to completed.

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