Booking Messages

Booking messages are used to communicate information to the customer when a booking is made. The message is displayed against the available dates.



Adding a Booking Message

A Booking Message are added from the business dashboard from Tools > Booking Messages.

Login to your bookitlive dashboard

Select Tools > Booking Messages

Using the text editor add and format your message by selecting the font, font size and colour.



Select the resource the message applies to. This can be one, multiple or all resources.




Select the dates when the message should be shown. This can be a single date, selected dates or a date range. Use the days of weeks to select columns and side arrows to select rows. Using the tick box to select a date range allows the selection of a start date and an end date in a range.


Select Save

Once a message has been saved the message can be edited to change it using the Edit Message button. The message can be removed from an individual date by selecting the date or from all dates by selecting Remove All.


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