An administration tool is available for admins and resellers to move vouchers between accounts. The functionality is provide via the Voucher Report page and allows for voucher(s) to be searched by a provider account, selected and moved to another account.
Moving vouchers
- Logon to bookitLive using an administrator or reseller user
- Select the Reports tab
- Select the Voucher tab
- Select a Provider account to use to generate the report
- Select Search
- From the search results select the voucher(s) that need to be moved
- Go to the bottom of the page and select the account to move the voucher(s) to
- Select the services(s) the voucher will be valid for on the new account
- Select Move Vouchers
When a voucher is moved the voucher code on the original account is renamed to identify the voucher has moved. The original voucher has the provider ID of the account where it was moved appended on the end of the code. EG 1995724D98K3D>>215398
When a client uses a voucher code that has been moved from another account a message will appear on their client history indicating the code has been move.
Note: Each account has the functionality to set usage, expiry and valid services. This allows you to change the voucher settings after a voucher move. See: Adjusting voucher code usage