Calendar file ICS

What is a Calendar file (.ICS)

An ICS (Internet Calendar Scheduling) file is a calendar file saved in a universal calendar format used by several email and calendar programs, including Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Notes and Apple Calendar. It enables users to publish and share calendar information on the web and over email. ICS files are often used for sending meeting requests to other users, who can import the events into their own calendars.

More Information

Calendar files are saved in a plain text format. They contain information such as the title, summary, start time, and end time for the calendar event. The Calendar format also supports event updates and cancellations.


By default bookitLive attaches the calendar ICS file to email booking confirmation so clients can add the booking event details to their preferred calendar software Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Notes or Apple Calendar.


Excluding Calendar file from emails

bookitLive understands that not all businesses want to send a calendar file with their email notifications so we allow the option to switch this functionality off.

Excluding Calendar file attachment in emails. We have released an update that allows you to exclude the calendar files from being sent in emails. This option is set from the Setting > Notification page. Selecting the option “Exclude Calendar file attachments” will exclude the calendar file from your emails. I have set this configuration option for you.

Switching calendar file attachment off

  1. Settings > Notifications
  2. Select Exclude calendar file attachment  mceclip0.png
  3. Select Save

Switching calendar file attachment on

  1. Settings > Notifications
  2. Deselect Exclude calendar file attachment  
  3. Select Save
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