Client History
bookitLive records all booking and purchase history against a client record.
This includes:
- All past and future bookings
- All product purchases
- All vouchers including voucher usage and expiry
- All payment details including booking and product purchases
To access a client history go to the Client page and serach for the client you want to view their history. Select to access the client history.
Bookings tab
The bookings tab lists all past and future bookings and includes the booking creation date and the date of the booking.
Cancelled Booking tab
The cancelled tab contains all booking that were cancelled and includes the booking cancelled date.
Product tab
The product tab contains the products that have been purchased and includes the amount paid and the voucher code if the product generated a voucher code.
Voucher tab
The voucher tab contains all vouchers purchases and includes the voucher usage and expiry date.
Payment tab
The payment tab contains all booking and product payments and includes the invoice receipt information.