Refunding a purchase in eWAY

If you are using the eWay payment gateway and need to refund a payment you will need to determine the Invoice details (Invoice, payment account, amount) and refund the payment in your eWayMerchant account.


The Invoice details recorded in bookitlive relates the Invoice Reference in eWAY.

Payment account

The Payment account details recorded in bookitlive relates to the eWAY account that processed the payment transaction. As a bookitlive account can be configured to use multiple payment gateways, the payment account details are used to determine the payment account that processed the payment.


The amount recorded in bookitlive relates to the payment amount that was processed by the eWAY payment gateway.


Find the purchase transaction details

  1. Login to your bookitlive account
  2. From your Dashboard select Tools > Reports
  3. Select the Purchase tab on the Reports page
  4. Select the columns you want to view for example Purchase Date, Item, Invoice, amount
  5. Select a Date Range  – and define the date range when the purchase was made. (You can use the client’s name or email address to refine the search).
  6. Select Search
  7. From the search results identify the transaction that needs to be refunded. Once you have identified the payment, record the invoice (125528-0654098-1526908375) payment account (ABC0001) and the amount ($70.00)

Refund the payment in eWAY

  1. Logon to your eWAY  using your eWAY email and password
  2. Select the Reporting Tab and Transaction Report
  3. Using a Search Transactions, enter a duration and Start and End Date and the Keyword / Invoice Number 125530-0670376-1514828154 as the Transaction ID and select search
  4. Open the transaction by selecting the Transaction, select Refund Transaction from the Action list
  5. Enter the Amount (the full or part of transaction amount) to refund and select Process Refund


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