What is invitation only booking software?
An Invitation-only booking software only allows clients that has been registered by business to make an online booking of purchase.
When an account is configured for invite-only only clients that have been registered by business by adding a client from the business dashboard will be able to make an online booking or purchase. Anybody will be able to view products and booking times from the public pages but only registered clients will be able to make a booking or purchase. Clients that are not registered to the business will be blocked from making a booking or purchase.
When a bookitlive account is set to invitation-only the options for a new client to create their own logon when making a booking or purchase is remove.
Client registration process
The client registration process requires the business to add a client from their business dashboard. Once added the business can invite the client to make a booking or purchase. The invitation process provides the logon details so the client can logon when they book or make a purchase.
Note: A bookitlive account can be configure to invitation-only by making a request to bookitlive to make this configuration.