Invite a client(s) to make a booking or purchase
The bookitLive client page allows you to invite one or multiple clients to use your software for bookings or purchases. The Client invitation email/SMS that is sent out, can be viewed and adjusted in the email & SMS template settings pages. You can use the tags that are displayed to personalize the email/SMS and set it up just the way you want it.
Sending client invitation emails
- Select the Client tab on your dashboard
- Select an individual or multiple clients (or use search to filter the client list)
- Select email tab
- Select the Client Invitation template
- Select Send email
Sending client invitation SMS
- Select the Client tab on your dashboard
- Select an individual or multiple clients (or use search to filter the client list)
- Select SMS tab
- Select the Client Invitation template
- Select Send SMS
Please note that sometimes the invitation email can end up in a client's spam folder. What we suggest is notifying your clients about the upcoming invitation through your own email system first. This way, they will know what to look out for. Alternatively use SMS invites.