Solutions for running a successful golf lesson business

Five solutions for running a successful golf lesson business

5 Get more tech smart to improve lesson instruction quality

In 2016 if you aren’t tech smart, you simply aren’t business smart.  Some practitioners in other fields are certainly skilled at their profession and just let others handle the business side of things which includes technology (think doctors and dentists).  As good as they may be with their profession, golf instructors simply can’t afford to be weak when it comes to being business smart.


You can pay someone else to do it, but that of course cuts deep into your revenue and you still need to understand it and stay on top of things to keep moving ahead.  Developing and understanding your website, creating a strong email marketing campaigns, getting busy on social media and tracking your business numbers are simple good business basics that a golf professional should do.


4 Increase communications and media exposure

All top golf instructors must do something outside of working their own private business.  They host radio shows, write for local newspapers, guest blog, write for golf magazines and film golf training tips.  If you don’t consider yourself a writer or an actor, that’s OK, but you need to branch out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there.


3 Get more tech smart to improve overall business efficiency

The most important part of being tech smart is developing a good website.  The golf instructors I interviewed agreed that their website is the 3rd most important factor of driving new business.  A good website leads to our #1 and #2 performance factors which I will discuss next.  For a lot of students your website is their first impression.


Putting together a great website that is not only nice looking, but also efficient and informative is a good image for your business, but more importantly makes the student feel you care and are already helping them with their games.  In addition, adding 2 online booking and 1 online payment options only make your business more efficient and customer friendly.


Also, be sure to make your website mobile friendly as more students are using their smartphones to find you and want to be able to purchase lesson packages and book and pay online. 

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