SMS and email Marketing

bookitlive provides the marketing tools to communicate to your existing clients. As people book or buy your services and promotions they are automatically building a client list for your business. The information collected can then be used to directly market your businesses back to these clients using email and SMS.

The bookitlive client page can be used to search and filter clients and based on the selected results can send marketing SMS or text based emails. Alternatively the results can be exported to use in other marketing tools such as mailchimp.

SMS marketing

  1. Login to bookitlive
  2. Select the client tab
  3. Select the clients that you want to send a SMS. By default all client are selected when the page opens. Use the search and advance search to select clients
  4. Select the SMS tab
  5. Write the SMS message you want to send. You can personalize the message by using tags. For example you can use the name tags for each message to use the clients name in the message


Send SMS using an Alpha tag

bookitlive allows you to set a Alpha Tag (sender name) instead of sending the message from an anonymous numbers.

The Alpha Tag (sender name) can be set using numbers and letters to a maximum of 11 characters (This is a SMS restriction) No spaces allowed.


Setting SMS Sender Name

  1. Login to bookitlive
  2. Select Settings > Notifications Settings
  3. Type in the SMS sender name that you want to use
  4. Select Save

Note: You need to have enough SMS credits to cater for the number of SMS messages that will be sent.SMS credits can be purchase from the card linked to your account from the Settings > Purchase SMS credits page.

Using specialised email marketing tools

bookitlive allow you to export your clients to a CSV file to use in other marketing tools such as Mailchimp.

  • Login to bookitlive
  • Select the client tab
  • Select the clients that you want to send a SMS. By default all client are selected when the page opens. Use the search and advance search to select clients
  • Select the Export tab
  • Open the file in Excel
  • Remove all columns except for the email, first name and last name and save
  • Login to your Mailchimp account
  • Use the import tools to import the file







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