
bookitlive terminolgy

Most businesses use different terminology to describe their services offerings as well as the information they need to collect from their clients. You can tailor the terminology used when referring to resources, services and locations to suit your business type or industry.  The terminology can also be set to rename client fields labels to better reflect the information you need to collect when clients make a booking. client fields can be re-purposed if you need to collect specific information. For example a Driving School could  change ID to Driving License No


Generic Terminology

For example, if you run a tennis court business, you could change Resource to Court instead, and change Service to Session.

The following table gives some example of the terminology that might suit different types businesses.


Client Field Label Terminology 

Terminology can also be used to change all your client fields to use labels that are relevant to you and your clients.

For Example: If you were a Driving School you could change First Name to be Student First Name or change Last Name to be Student Surname.You can also reuse client fields to collect client information that you need. For example you could change ID to Permit Number if you were a Driving School and you needed to collect the  Permit Number for each student.
Button Label Terminology 
Button terminology is used to change your booking and buy buttons to words that you want to use. For example: You might want to change Book Now to Book Lesson.


Setting Terminology 

  1. Login to bookitlive
  2. Select Settings > Terminology
  3. Enter the Generic Terminology you want to use 
  4. Enter the Booking options
  5. Enter the Client Terminology you want to use
  6. Enter the Product Terminology you want to use
  7. Enter the Button Terminology you want to use
  8. Save
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