Setting up Google Analytics tracking on your bookitlive account

If you use Google Analytics to track visitors to your website you can now also use it to track the number of bookings and promotion purchases taken and your website conversion rate.

bookitlive allows the booking and purchasing process to be automatically tracked with the data recorded in your Google Analytics account.

You will need a Google Anaytics account to do this as bookitlive uses your Google Analytics Tracking ID EG UA-000000-01 to record the tracking data.


Adding Analytics Tracking ID to your bookitlive account

  1. Login to bookitlive
  2. Select Settings > Advanced Settings
  3. Enter your Analytics Tracking ID
  4. Save

If you do not have a Google Analytics account to track visitor data on your website you can create one here.

If you are using google Tag Manager do not enter a Google Analytics tracking ID as Google Tag Manager replaces Google Analytics.


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  • 0
    rakshita raju

    Once I set this up which report in Google Analytics do I see the bookings appear?

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