Booking Reports can be used to view both future and historical booking data within a selected date range.
The occurance date filter show how many booking will occur within a date range based on the date the booking occurs.
The creation date filter show how many booking that were added in a day or date range based on the date the booking was created.
Options can be selected to include or exclude cancelled booking.
Creating a Booking Report
- Select the Reports tab
- Select the Booking tab
- Select the column fields
- Select a date range for the report, use custom range to set a start and end date for the report. Using a end date into the future will include bookings yet to be completed
- Select a filter (Occurrence Date is when the booking occurs, Creation Date is when the booking was made)
- Select an output option, use screen to display on the screen or Excel (CSV Format) to create a file to use in Excel
- Select Search
Details for each column available in the booking report
The table below shows all the data fields that can be used in compiling Booking reports.
Saving report filters
Use the Save Filter button to save the selections for future use. Saved filters appear at the top of the report tab. Select the filter to use, make any adjustment and run the report by selecting Search.