Remove day(s) from being available

A Business that uses a fixed repeating schedule needs the ability to define a day or date range when their resources are unavailable or the business is closed.

Removing availability could be used for the following reasons:

  •  Your business is closed for holidays (Public holidays/Bank Holidays etc.). This restricts the ability to make bookings for the entire business.
  •  A resource(s) is away for a full day or multiple days (training day, annual leave). This restricts the ability to make bookings for a particular resource.


NOTE: Removing availability does not remove any existing bookings. You need to move or cancel existing bookings to inform your customers that you are unavailable on these days.


Making Day(s) unavailable

  1. Select Tools > Remove availability
  2. Select All resources or the resource(s) that will be unavailable
  3. Select a Start Date and End Date when the resource(s) will not be available
  4. Select Save

Displaying and removing unavailable days

The Remove availability page also lists any days.

  1. Select Tools > Remove availability to see a list of days that are unavailable
  2. Use the Remove link to remove the day(s) from being unavailable

Displaying and removing unavailable times

The Remove availability page also lists any times that are not available.

  1. Select Tools > Remove availability
  2. Select the Unavailable Times tab to see a list of times that are unavailable
  3. Use the Remove link to remove the time from being unavailable
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