Adding Locations to you account

Locations are where the appointment takes place: (client’s house/place of business/hotel etc), meeting point (pickup address), physical office/store or venue. Locations can be used for the following business situations:


Mobile businesses

Mobile businesses use ‘Locations’ to define the areas where the business and their resources (staff) operate. The booking process requires a client to select a location and enter the address where you need to visit.


Events at different locations

Event-based businesses operate out of multiple venues. The customer needs to select the location of the event.

Business that operates multiple locations

If a business has staff that operates from different locations on different days, a resource will be needed for each location.


Adding locations for all resources to use

When adding locations to your account you can:

  • Define the locations where your all business resources operate
  • Edit and add fixed address details for each suburb (if required)

Adding Locations to an account

  1. Go to Configuration > Locations
  2. Search for the locations to add using the location name or postal code. Multiple Postal Codes can be searched at once by separating each code with a space of comma
  3. Once the locations are displayed select each of the locations to add to the account
  4. Select Add



Adding locations for a specific resource to use


Adding Locations to a Resouce

  1. Go to Configuration > Locations
  2. Select a Resource 
  3. Available locations are displayed on the left and location assigned to the Resource are displayed on the right.
  4. Select the locations you want to add
  5. Select Add to add the location to the Resource

Adding a fixed address to a Resource location

Once a location has been added to a Resource you can define a street address for this location. You can also define an alternative location address for situation where a customer need to go to an alternative address when selecting this location. 

  1. Select Edit next to the locations listed on the right hand column
  2. Type in a Street Address
  3. Search for the suburb or postcode by typing the suburb name or postcode to use for this location (This can be different from the location being edited)
  4. Select Save

Note: Adding a fixed address to a specific Resource will only apply to this Resource.




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