Public & Private Booking Views

bookitlive offers a choice of views for managing your bookings – both public and private.


The public booking view provides pages where your clients can make online bookings, and purchase products (packages and promotions) themselves. By default the public booking view is visible to the public, but can be disabled if you do not want clients to make their own booking.


The details on your business dashboard are private and only visible to you and your assigned users (managers and staff members). You can elect to have all your booking activities privately via your business dashboard. In this case you and your staff would take bookings and enter them in the system manually.


Switch public view offline

Switching your account offline to restrict clients from making online bookings and purchases.

  1. Login to bookitlive
  2. Select Settings > Public view Offline

When your public view is offline your dashboard will display offline in the top right hand corner and your client will not be able to make online bookings or purchases.


Switch public view online

If you account is offline and you want to switch it back online for public bookings and purchases.

Login to bookitlive

Select Settings > Public view online


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