The bookitlive dashboard page is the default page when you logon to your business account.
The page is where you can view and manage your bookings and make purchases.From this page you can also access other tabs for clients, reports and tools. You can also access tabs for account maintenance for changing configuration and settings.
List of future bookings
The page displays a list of all your future bookings. Bookings can be modified or cancelled from this page. Use the Show all bookings to list all future bookings.
Add or edit client details
New clients can be added and existing client details can be edited by using the search function to find the client.
The ability to make a booking for a client by searching for a client and selecting Book. Booking can be made against all services including services that are not visible to the pubic booking pages.
The ability to make a purchase for a client by searching for a client and selecting Buy. Purchases can be made against all products including products that are not visible to the pubic purchasing pages. The Buy button only appears if there is products of promotion configured to sell.