Advanced Settings

Settings > Advanced Settings

Advanced settings are used to turn on extra features for:

  • Google Web tracking
  • Setting default payment options
  • Enabling Memberships
  • Enabling locations


Google Analytics

 If you have a Google analytics account you can enter your tracking ID here in order to be able to track the traffic that uses your public booking pages. To find out more about using Google analytics see:


Take Payment Selection

The ‘Take Payment Selection’ defaults the take payment tickbox to selected when making bookings from the dashboard. This option is used by business that always want to process a payment when making bookings from the dashboard.


Enable Memberships

 If your business provides wants to sell recurring memberships subscription that can be used to validate bookings switch the ‘Enable Memberships field to ‘Yes’. You will also need to set the Payment Option for each service to use Membership as a form of payment when the service is booked.


Note: Recurring Membership subscription payment are currently only available in Australia and New Zealand when your account uses the bookitlive payment gateway or the SecurePay payment gateway.


Enable Locations

 If your business provides users with more than one location option for the services offered (e.g. driving school) you would want to switch the ‘Enable Locations’ field to ‘Yes’. In order to do so you will first need to set your account and resource locations. See Locations in Section 3.

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