Shared resource - Configuration

A shared resource is a device that needs to be booked at the same time as the service. Requirement: Have a resource type which is a device. It cannot be booked directly but will be booked when a service is booked for another resource.

Switch on Shared resources feature

The shared resource feature is only available on the premium subscription plan.

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Settings> Advanced Settings 
  3. Check Enable Shared Resources
  4. Save

How to configure in Resources

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Configuration > Resources > Add 
  3. Name the resource
  4. Check Shared resource 
  5. Add a group name or select Configuration > Group
  6. Select Resource Type EG Equipment and fill in details
  7. Set the schedule for when the shared resource is available
  8. Save

How to configure in Services

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Configuration > Services > Select Service 
  3. Select the Shared Resource for this service
  4. Save



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