Supported payment processing gateways

Payment gateways allow bookitlive to process transactions including online booking and promotion purchase payments.


Currently supported payment gateways

  • bookit Pay payment gateway (bookitlive default payment gateway)
  • eWAY payment gateway
  • SecurePay payment gateway
  • PayPal payment gateway
  • Onestop Secure payment gateway


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    Dr Jarad Bianchi

    Hi Sandra,

    Our Business has grown substantially over the last 12 months as such we are now paying only 1.2% merchant fees with our in clinic eftpos (including all fees and the terminal)

    This leaves Securepay very expensive in comparison (basically 2.0%), can you recommend another payment gateway provider you support who can provide a similar rate to 1.2% .

    Kind Regards,

    Dr Jarad Bianchi


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